Monday 21 March 2016

What is it to be Truly Malaysia??

(Kheng Kheng)
What is mean to be Truly Malaysia?

Whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian or even foreigner working or studying in Malaysia you would still go to mamak stores. What make mamak stores so unique in Malaysia because most of the people would go mamak store watching football in night or midnight. So this only happen in Malaysia which there are many mamak store who are open 24 hours so most of the people will go mamak store enjoy their football matches with their friends. For example, I often go mamak store watch EPL matches and also order maggi goreng and the Tarik so that I can enjoy my dinner and EPL match at the same time. All this culture you only could experience it in Malaysia.  

Durian is the most famous fruits in Malaysia. It also known as “King of Fruits” in Malaysia. In my opinion, durian is a significant symbol for Malaysia, if you want to be Truly Malaysia then you must try this truly awesome durian stuff although it a bit smelly but when you taste it then all that smelly stuff will convert durian into the King of Fruits. Meanwhile, the best durian only produced in Penang, Malaysia because here got the best condition to let durian trees lived compared to other countries who also produced durian. For me the Malaysia Durian’s is the best in the world.

In Malaysia our hand can be played an important role on the road, parking. Yes, your hand in Malaysia can be as powerful as Barack Obama because when we driving in Malaysia our hand can be used as signal to let other vehicles stop. For example, when I am driving my vehicle and I want turn to left directions then I will raise up my hand to asking the other directions vehicles to let me turn to left and the cars will stop and let me drive by so to say thank you to that kind driver, I will raise up my hand again to that driver to show my gratitude and they would do the same gesture as well and this mean a welcome. So you know why our hands are important in Malaysia because it can be thanks, welcome, greeting, or even use your hand to scold other people. So hands in Malaysia equal powerful hands.

Thus, Malaysia had a lot of races and culture so most of the Malaysian can speak many languages like Malay, English, Chinese, Hindi, Hokkien and also Cantonese. This could show that Malaysian people are able to speak many languages but it also made Malaysian does not speak a proper language because they already ‘campur’ it. For example, later supper eat where ah or later eat hami ah which this called Malaysia accents so to be truly Malaysia sometimes it hard for some foreigners but when you get used to it, you will found it this is interesting.

(Ying Jie)
You call everyone “boss”.

And you don’t work for any of them. Your lawyer, your barber, the guy serving you at the mamak – they’re all your “boss”. For example, we might say, “Boss, kuah lebih sikit!” to a mamak waiter. It makes no sense at all, but it’s friendly and respectful. In Malaysia, we’re all bosses and that’s the way we like it.


You hope for a public holiday whenever we win at sports.

This is the new I very like it when I secondary school because can get free holiday haha

Whether it’s our badminton stars at the Thomas Cup, our football team at the AFF Suzuki Cup, or our athletes at the Olympic games – you hope for a public holiday if we do well. When Lee Chong Wei won in the recent Thomas Cup Final, Malaysians jumped joyously in their living rooms, believing a public holiday would follow. A sports victory is a big deal and the nation should celebrate it by being allowed to… sleep in.

You arrive at least 30 minutes late for anything.

Whether it’s an office meeting, a wedding, or even a mamak session with friends, we’re always 30 minutes late. At least. We call this ‘Malaysian timing’. And how many times have we told others via phone that we're “on the way” when we were really not?

You end sentences with “lah”.

Can lah. No lah. Come on lah. "Lah" is as adaptable as we Malaysians are. You can use it for the weather - "So hot lah." You can use it for price - "So expensive lah." You can use it for disbelief - "Where got lah?" Anytime, anywhere... if you're Malaysian, just say lah.

Halal Logo

As a Malaysian, we all know and understand what mean of this word "Halal". We can see the "Halal" logo at some of restaurant in Malaysia. When Malaysian saw this logo, we will know this restaurant is do not have serve Pork. Why we know they are not serving pork food when the restaurant have this logo, because our Malaysia have three race of people, and our Malay friends is could not eat pork, so when the restaurant have this "Halal" logo, that mean Malay can eat their lunch or dinner in that restaurant and they sure no selling any food of pork in their restaurant.

We prefer our food as spicy as they come

As a Malaysian, we like to eat spicy food. No matter is what type of food, we must prefer our food as spicy. For example, Malaysian is like to eat food with chili sauce, peppers, chili padi and sambal. Like when we eat pizza or fried chicken, we like to eat with chili sauce, when we eat fried rice or fried noodles, we like to add some sambal or chili padi. Curry also is the one of favorite spicy food for Malaysian. We like our food as tough, dramatic, and sweat inducing as a wrestling match.

Favorite Malaysian Recipes

Malaysia has a lot of delicious foods. Chicken Satay, Asam Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai and Char Kway Teow are the favorite of Malaysian recipes. In Malaysia, we have different races and different culture of people, but we have some same type of favorite food that make us are truly Malaysian. No matter is Malay, Chinese or Indian; we all like to eat Nasi Lemak. In Malaysia, you can see has some small stalls beside the road or some food court, there has many different races of people are sitting together and eat Nasi Lemak or other foods.

(Louis Foo)

We are always in awe of the awesome roti man who can balance more than 100 things on his motorbike and shows up every evening around the neighborhood.

Every evening at approximately 5pm, you will hear the tell-tale bell signalling the arrival of the roti man with bulging plastic bags of bread, buns, biscuits and snacks hanging off his trusty ol' bike. Some 'roti men' would beep their horn while shouting "Roti! Roti!" to draw kids and housewives to his collection of goodies.


Those who have tried the 'roti man's 'roti bengali', enjoy it with generous dollops of thick Planta and kaya would likely agree that no other bread tastes better, barring its hardly-chewable crust.

There are many snack to get from the roti man. Such as, Apollo Stick Wafer, Choki Choki & Nyam Nyam,

Plain white bread
The original Malaysia bread which serve with kaya, which we call "Roti Kaya".

Chocolate eyeglass candy
Eyeglass Candy is the most special item which can get from the roti man There’s nothing quite as satisfying as punching the foil with your fingernail and popping these chocolate beans

Image result for roti kok
Image result for roti kok
Besides, we still can get another type of crunchy bread which is "Roti Kok. Tosted with generous amount of margarine and sugar.

“Pasar Malam” which stand for Night Market in bahasa malay. These markets are a streets which have been converted for one day only in a week into a market-place. Commonly found in housing estates and residential areas, they became very popular as they enabled locals to do shopping for their household needs without having to go too far out of their residential areas.

Pasar Malam a space that attracts people of all ages, and all walks of life, the pasar malam is a delightful treasure trove of all manner of goods. From vegetables to fruits, snacks to beans, clothes and household ornaments, toys and CDs, there’s nothing you can’t find here.

Iqbaal Wazir, 2016. Why Mamak Stalls Are So Special In Malaysia? 2016. [E-Journal] Available at:[Accessed 20 March 2016].

World tour cyclist stops for durian – Borneo Post Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News | Largest English Daily In Borneo. 2013 [E-Journal] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

Ong Kar Jin, 2011. I sound Malay
sian lah, so what? | LoyarBurok. 2011. [E-Journal] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

10 Things to Buy from the Roti Man - HungryGoWhere Malaysia. 2016. 10 Things to Buy from the Roti Man - HungryGoWhere Malaysia. [E-Journal] Available at:*gid-5e703101/. [Accessed 21 March 2016].

Best Night Markets to Visit in Malaysia - Malaysia Asia. 2016. Best Night Markets to Visit in Malaysia - Malaysia Asia. [E-Journal] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

1 comment:

  1. love your background... and love the sweets and snacks pics as well..reminds me of my childhood to eat the 8 shaped chocolates!

    indicate the writers name ya so that i know who have written which part.. =)
